Application Side User Api giving "error": "Invalid signature"

This is API :- {{baseUrl}}/service/application/user/authentication/v1.0/login/otp?platform={{applicationId}}

This is the body:-
“Mobile”: “{number}”,
“country_code”: “91”,
“captcha_code”: “captchstring”

“error”: “Invalid signature”

Signing with this API:-

this is the body:-
“client_id”: “”,
“client_secret”: “”,
“grant_type”: “client_credentials”

Hi @Team_Purezza_Technol,

Please verify if you are passing the correct credentials to generate the auth token

  • other than user API all application side API is working.
  • and the creds are correct.

Hi @Team_Purezza_Technol,

Can you please share the request payload that you are passing

Hello @Team_Purezza_Technol

I would like to understand why you are calling this API via an extension.

If you want to call it via the storefront, the ‘loginOTP’ method component is already available in the theme; you can directly incorporate it from the theme itself.

we making mobile app and there we need to integrate this API