Crafting a Successful Public Extension on Fynd

What should developers keep in mind when creating their public extension for the Fynd platform to maximize its success?

While creating a public extension on the Fynd platform, developers need to ensure that the extension is usable, relevant, and valuable. The following considerations can be helpful:

  • Detailed Description: Developers should describe the extension in as much detail as possible to communicate its functionality and uses to potential users.
  • Features: Clearly listing the features of your extension can help users understand what the extension has to offer.
  • Snapshots: By adding snapshots of the functionality of your extension, users can get a clear idea of how your extension works.
  • Pricing Plans: Developers are allowed to create different pricing plans for the extension (free to install, recurring charge, one-time charge). Choosing the right pricing model can be crucial to the success of your extension.

Once the extension meets the Fynd’s standard guidelines, it undergoes a review process. If rejected, you can check the reasons, fix them, and re-submit. Upon approval, the extension gets published on the marketplace.

To learn more, you can refer to the official guide on creating and publishing public extensions on Fynd.