General FAQs related to Frolic

How to challenge someone to play a game on the Frolic app?

  • Tap on the ‘Games’ option.
  • Tap on Create a new Challenge.
  • Enter the user id of the person in the search box or select an opponent from the online users.
  • Select pay by Cash or Activity coins.
  • Enter the amount & Tap Play Now

Do I always have to pay to play games on Frolic?

  • No, you can also play games for Free by using Activity coins. We have 2 Formats for the different games, i.e. “Free-to-Play” games and “Pay-to-Play” games. So, you can also play games for free on our app without adding money to the wallet.

What are activity coins?

  • Activity coins are virtual forms of bonus coins given as user rewards at Frolic to play more games. Players are awarded activity coins on completion of certain activities or tasks and for participation in contests.

Can I play Frolic games on my PC/laptop?

  • Currently, Frolic is available only on Android & iOS devices.

What happens if I leave the game after accepting the game request?

  • If you leave the game before it starts, your opponent is declared the winner and receives the entire winnings. Please note that a refund request is not applicable if you disconnect your game or it becomes disconnected due to low connectivity. Therefore, we request you and all our users stay in a strong network area when playing games.

What is the minimum age to access Frolic?

  • To access Frolic, the user must be 18 years of age or above.

Why am I unable to play the Pay-to-Play games from my region/state?

  • Some states in India have legal restrictions on real money gaming, such as. Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Assam, Nagaland, Odisha, Telangana, and Sikkim. Users from these states are restricted from playing Pay-to-Play games. So, if you belong to any of these states, you wouldn’t be able to play the Pay-to-Play games on the Frolic App.