How to Create a Proxy URL in Fynd?

What are the steps to create a Proxy URL for extension developers?

In order to create a Proxy URL, extension developers are required to integrate the SDK method. They have to provide the Extension API key, the attached_path (the path on the partner server that the Proxy is attached to) and the extension launch URL. Here’s how the code looks:

// Promise
const promise = client.application("<APPLICATION_ID>").partner.addProxyPath({ 
 extensionId : value, body : {attached_path, proxy_url} 

// Async/Await
const data = await client.application("<APPLICATION_ID>").partner.addProxyPath({ 
 extensionId : value, body : {attached_path, proxy_url} 

You can refer to this documentation for detailed information.

How can we get already added proxy_url