Importance of Details and Variations in Theme Submission

How do theme details and variations play a crucial role in the theme submission process on the Fynd Partners website?

When submitting themes on the Fynd Partners website, the Theme Details and Variations stages play crucial roles:

Theme Details: These include title, tagline, description, and screenshots. They are vital for the following reasons:

  • The title, tagline, and description are influential in attracting potential buyers and conveying the theme’s unique selling points.

  • Screenshots allow potential buyers to get an impression of how the theme will look on their website. These have to be high-quality images, owned by the submitters, to get approved.

Variations: Variations refer to different pre-designed layouts or styles included with the theme. They contribute significantly in the following ways:

  • They provide users with a range of options to customize their websites.

  • Each variation or demo may have a unique name associated with it, usually reflecting its visual style and design approach.

  • A screenshot of the variant and an optional Demo Site URL provides the users with an idea of how the variant appears and functions.

For more information about theme submission, visit the link here.

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