Installation procedure for the Swift FDK Client

What are the steps to install and implement the Swift FDK Client? Can we discuss some examples of its usage?

To install the Swift FDK Client, we follow the steps below:

  1. Add pod 'FDKClient', :git => '' to your Podfile.
  2. Run pod install in your terminal.
  3. Add import FDKClient to the Swift files where you’ll be using the client.
  4. Then you can start the integration process.

Example usage of Swift FDK Client include:

  • Usage of PublicClient to fetch all webhook events.
  • An ApplicationClient to get product details using a product slug. This requires the unique Application ID and Token.
  • A PlatformClient to get company details, which needs the company ID, API key, and API secret.

You can visit this link for more detailed information.

Remember to replace all placeholders (like ‘YOUR_APPLICATION_ID’, ‘API_KEY’, etc.) with actual values supplied for your application or platform.