Need to access the uploaded image in Extension Level by public level


Have tried to upload the jpg/png image using Fynd platformclient api in Extension level. The images which is uploaded using startupload and completeupload platformclient api method. but, have problem to open the uploaded image by public level. getting error as Access denied.

have tried the below api to open the image in public level. please check it and let me know.

Sample Api:

await platformClient.fileStorage.getSignUrls
     "body": {
               "urls": [
                "expiry": "30000"


  "urls": [
            "url": "",
            "signed_url": "",
            "expiry": "30000"
            "url": "",
            "signed_url": "",
            "expiry": "30000"

Need to access the image url by public am calling the above api to do the same.

While opening the signurl response(Uploaded Images) in new tab is not opening in browser.


@rushikesh Any Update on this. CC: @Beermohamed_S1

@rushikesh Any Update… CC: @Beermohamed_S1

hi @Sardhar_Mohamed
share the response again in thread here
only response

@rushikesh Please check the below response and let me know

Image Name: {

fieldname: ‘web_offer_banner’,

originalname: ‘Untitled design.png’,

encoding: ‘7bit’,

mimetype: ‘image/png’,

buffer: <Buffer 89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a 00 00 00 0d 49 48 44 52 00 00 01 f4 00 00 01 f4 08 06 00 00 00 cb d6 df 8a 00 00 00 09 70 48 59 73 00 00 0e c4 00 00 0e c4 01 … 11809 more bytes>,

size: 11859


Image Uploaded Response: {

file_name: ‘Untitled design.png’,

operation: ‘putObject’,

size: 11859,

namespace: ‘platform-extensions-private’,

content_type: ‘image/png’,

file_path: ‘/platform/extensions/novus-cms/private/original/TL2BQCHix-Untitled-design.png’,

method: ‘PUT’,

tags: [],

upload: {

url: '’,

expiry: 1800


cdn: {

url: '’,

absolute_url: '’,

relative_url: ‘jmrtz0/platform/extensions/novus-cms/private/original/TL2BQCHix-Untitled-design.png’



Public access url response: {

“urls”: [


“url”: "",

“signed_url”: "",

“expiry”: “30000”



“url”: "",

“signed_url”: "",

“expiry”: “30000”



}. CC: @Beermohamed_S1

@Deepak_Basumatary For uploading the Image using Extension, we need to install pixel bin extension. please provide me the access and credentials for doing the same. CC: @Beermohamed_S1