Need to understand about the tags parameter value for the getting passed inside platformClient.fileStorage.upload(_) SDK function

we are trying to upload images (these images will be Craft images. Blog images. Artist images) using below upload function to our pixelbin CDN. can you please let me know what should be the value of Tags parameter here (is it predefined or we can add any random value for it ) ?

await platformClient.fileStorage.upload({ data:, file_name: imageName, content_type: imageData.headers['content-type'], namespace: nameSpace, size: imageData.headers['content-length'], tags: tags });

@Balkaran_Chandel Tags are not predefined. You can pass Tags according to your requirement related to your image. For example :
If we are passing any image related to Shirt. We can pass the tags as such and also Tags is not a mandatory field.
“tags”: [
Or you can pass your company id in tags :“tags”: [