Need to upload Inventory in bulk

we are trying to develop an extension with capability to upload inventory in bulk. for same we where exploring the api given at link
we gone through above link but where unable to proceed. please provide sample code & request body

Hi @yogesh_mahajan

You can refer to this doc for sample request body and response : Create products in bulk associated with given batch Id. | Fynd Partners Help Center

hi @SoumyaAcharya tried calling above api but getting error as below
HTTP responseCode: 400 responseBody :{"code":400,"message":"Invalid request","errors":{"batch_id":["Invalid value."]}}

could you please help how to get batch Id

code snippet:

        CatalogPlatformModels.SuccessResponse response = platformClient.catalog.createBulkInventory(
                "2b10edcc-5b9c-4cda-9aa3-d28b7ec53aab", // batchId
                new CatalogPlatformModels.InventoryBulkRequest(
                                new CatalogPlatformModels.InventoryJobPayload(
                                        "YogeshTestBatch", // traceId
                                        null, // itemDimensionsUnitOfMeasure
                                        1d, // price
                                        null, // itemWeightUnitOfMeasure
                                        "R280", // storeCode
                                        Arrays.asList(), //tags
                                        1d, // priceMarked
                                        1000, // totalQuantity
                                        1, // quantity
                                        null, // expirationDate
                                        "000000000490008104", // sellerIdentifier
                                        1d, // priceEffective
                                        null // currency
                        1, // companyId
                        null, // user
                        "2b10edcc-5b9c-4cda-9aa3-d28b7ec53aab" // batchId


Hi @yogesh_mahajan you are passing the batch_id in invalid format. Batch_id should be in this format.

Hi @Devendra_Kumari_Dhay Please let me know how to generate this batch id… is there any API ?

when used in above mentioned format getting below error

HTTP responseCode: 400 responseBody :{"code":400,"message":"64c772d663c3f86198be1fc5 bulk inventory job not found."}

HTTP responseCode: 400 responseBody :{"code":400,"message":"64c772d663c3f86198be1fd5 bulk inventory job not found."}

Hi, @yogesh_mahajan please refer to the below link, which has createbulkinventoryjob FDK which in response gives the batch_id.