Not able to create order in fynd platform

body: {
shipments: [
line_items: [
seller_identifier: string,
location_id: number,
shipping_info: {
state: string,
primary_mobile_number: number,
first_name: string,
country: “india”,
city: string,
address1: string,
pincode: number,
primary_email: email,
billing_info: {
alternate_mobile_number: number,
state: string,
primary_mobile_number: number,
first_name: string,
country: string,
city: string,
address1: string,
pincode: number,
primary_email: email,
payment_info: {
primary_mode: “cod”,

this is the object to create new order in platform but this is giving me validation error but not giving any specific field error to resolve it .

@brijesh The validation is failing because the payload you’re attempting to pass in the request body is incorrect. Please refer to this documentation: (Order | Fynd Partners Help Center) .
Also, ensure that you provide values for keys instead of passing “strings” or “email” or “number” directly.