Not able to login and getting issue in fdk login and getting FDK CLI verssion error

Getting this error while running ‘fdk login’ along with email and password. So not able to perform anything further. Installed fdk cli using documentation and it is latest only. Still throwing below error.

FDK-0003 - You are currenlty using older CLI version: 3.0.4 which is currenlty not supported. Please update your CLI to the latest version. For more details, refer to the documentation link:

Hi @milankamboya

Can you share version of fdk-cli, environment and screenshot of error?

Can you try with updating the version of fdk-cli?

Hi @SoumyaAcharya ,

It worked after going with alpha version.
But getting started suggest current stable release of 3.0.4 and it’s not working.
So documentation is some what missleading.

Thank you for the help.