Refund details for specific order id showing to all the users

@Akshay @Krishnam_Mishra ,
For Refund header and Refund details API ,we are using below platform function, but customer filteration is not working. for all users we are getting same response

platform_refund_listing = await platform_client.order.getOrders(

@Chandrahas , any update on above issue?

Hi @Alok_Chaturvedi we have raised the issue , it will be fixed at the earliest

@Krishnam_Mishra , Issue has been resolved, but while testing encountered one more issue.

Hi @Alok_Chaturvedi i think you have shared the wrong ticket on the different thread. Please confirm. And also share the issue which you have encountered.This thread is for where customer id filtration was not working and has been fixed now.