Hi Team,
I am trying to call the following API, and I noticed that one of the fields is missing in the response:
> @GET("/
> service/platform/theme/v2.0/company/{company_id}/application/{application_id}")
> Call<ThemePlatformModels.ThemesSchema> getAppliedTheme(
> @Path("company_id") String companyId,
> @Path("application_id") String applicationId,
> @HeaderMap Map<String, String> requestHeaders
> );
> The response of the API maps to the `ThemePlatformModels.ThemesSchema` class. Within the `ThemesSchema` DTO, there is a `Config` object, which contains a `GlobalSchema` object. Inside `GlobalSchema`, there is a `List<Prop>` variable.
> Here is the `Prop` class for reference:
> @AllArgsConstructor
> @NoArgsConstructor
> @Getter
> @Setter
> @JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
> @JsonInclude(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL)
> public static class Prop {
> @JsonProperty("type")
> private String type;
> @JsonProperty("category")
> private String category;
> @JsonProperty("value")
> private String value;
> @JsonProperty("id")
> private String id;
> @JsonProperty("label")
> private String label;
> @JsonProperty("info")
> private String info;
> }
The issue is that the default
variable, which should be the part of the Prop
class, is missing in the API response. Could you please include this field in the response? Let me know if any further clarification is required.
Note I am using fdk client 1.4.3.jar