Search results are not coming up on the netmeds storefront - nmz3

Hi Team,

The query suggestions from the auto-complete API are not coming up on the nmz3 platform. We tried syncing with algolia from the extension and checked it on the algolia website as well, the data is visible there.

But the response we get in the front-end is empty-

We tried re-selecting the brand and stores from sales channel-> settings-> inventory , but still no luck.

Could you please help us in fixing this?

The platform is - nmz3 -
Sales channel - netmeds


Hi Anand,

Can you check now I can see the auto complete results.
Can you please check the api which was being called for auto complete is it of algolia Request URL:
I could see some config issue with Data loader at themes level. Can you check the config again.
This seems okay now.