Understanding Public Extensions on the Fynd Platform

What are the steps involved in creating and publishing a public extension on the Fynd platform? What should developers be aware of during this process?

To create and publish a public extension on the Fynd platform, initiate by logging into your Fynd Partners account and head towards the Extensions section to create a new extension. Post creation, it gets reviewed by Fynd to confirm if the extension adheres to the standard guidelines.

Specific steps include:

  • Go to Extensions section and click on ‘Create Extension’.
  • Opt for the ‘Public Extension’ option.
  • Provide a name, description, and logo for the extension.
  • Specify the launch URL and developer’s email ID.
  • Choose a Launch Location based on the purpose - company-level, application-level, or marketplace.
  • Grant accessibility to necessary APIs.
  • Click ‘Create’ to save the configurations.

Next, to publish an extension, visit the Extensions page, and click on the extension you created. Follow these steps:

  • Click on ‘Submit for review’ or navigate to the kebab menu and click on ‘Publish’.
  • Describe your extension in detail and include the features.
  • Add snapshots of the functionality of your extension.
  • Create pricing plans – free to install, recurring charge, or one-time charge.
  • Post filling in all the details, you can preview how the extension will appear in the marketplace.
  • You can ‘Save as draft’ or ‘Submit for review’.

Post-submission, it undergoes a review process. In case of rejection, you can check the submission page to know the reason and fix the issue then re-submit. Upon approval, it goes live on the marketplace.

Refer to the complete guide here to understand this process thoroughly.