UpdateAddress API getting failed

UpdateAddress API is failing. and unable to update the company ID also. Please find the request and response details below.
Request :
const { PlatformConfig, PlatformClient } = require(“@gofynd/fdk-client-javascript”);

let platformConfig = new PlatformConfig({
companyId: “5591”,
apiKey: “<API_KEY>”,
apiSecret: “<API_SECRET>”

//Need to generate token using platformConfig.oauthClient.getAccesstokenObj() method
//grant_type can be ‘client_credentials’ or ‘authorization_code’

const platformClient = new PlatformClient(platformConfig);
const response = await platformClient.order.updateAddress({
“shipmentId”: “16938446204471770014”,
“name”: “Venkatesh Selvam”,
“address”: “Test Address”,
“pincode”: “600008”,
“phone”: “09600551407”,
“email”: “venkatesh.selvam@ril.com”,
“addressType”: “home”,
“landmark”: “Test landmark”,
“addressCategory”: “delivery”,
“city”: “chennai”,
“state”: “Tamilnadu”,
“country”: “india”

Response :
“status”: 404,
“data”: {
“name”: “FDKServerResponseError”,
“status”: “”,
“code”: 404,
“details”: “404: Not Found404: Not Found”

@venkateshselvam In which env you are trying to update the address?

@SiddNiv nmsz3 environment we used.

Hi @venkateshselvam you are attempting to update the address of the SIT environment through the PROD environment kindly use sit env for this.
For the UpdateAddress FDK API, please ensure that you have added the correct API key, API Secret, and domain, which can be retrieved from partners.nmz3.de.

kindly go through the FDK documentation: https://github.com/gofynd/fdk-client-javascript/tree/master/documentation/platform