Webhooks product updates

@SoumyaAcharya We were able to integrate webhook with the DOBO extension but when we receive the payload after the product update.
We are not able to see all the delta that has been changed.
for instance, we update the product’s weight but it was not received as part of the webhook’s payload.

  "product": {
    "is_dependent": true,
    "tax_identifier": {
      "hsn_code_id": "6277839f5e4c6fdbc8be41ea",
      "reporting_hsn": "64041190H1",
      "hsn_code": "64041190"
    "name": "Puma shoes v2",
    "variant_media": {},
    "currency": "INR",
    "item_code": "1714324629",
    "category_slug": "others-level-3",
    "attributes": {},
    "variants": {},
    "short_description": "",
    "tags": [],
    "description": "",
    "country_of_origin": "India",
    "brand_uid": 5989,
    "highlights": [],
    "is_active": true,
    "uid": 10333616,
    "product_publish": {
      "is_set": false,
      "product_online_date": "2024-06-16T06:43:12.801000+00:00"
    "multi_size": false,
    "slug": "puma-shoes--10333616",
    "teaser_tag": {
      "tag": "Fynd Assured"
    "no_of_boxes": 20,
    "custom_order": {
      "manufacturing_time": 0,
      "manufacturing_time_unit": "days",
      "is_custom_order": false
    "company_id": 7477,
    "template_tag": "supplementary",
    "media": [
        "url": "https://cdn.fynd.com/v2/falling-surf-7c8bb8/fyprod/wrkr/products/pictures/item/free/original/IK_MZgtTQ-Puma-shoes.png",
        "type": "image"
    "item_type": "standard",
    "is_set": false,
    "_custom_json": {},
    "category_uid": 436,
    "net_quantity": {
      "unit": "nos",
      "value": 20
    "trader": [
        "name": "test",
        "address": [
        "type": "Manufacturer"
    "is_image_less_product": false,
    "product_group_tag": [],
    "departments": [
    "size_guide": "shoes",
    "return_config": {
      "returnable": false,
      "unit": "days",
      "time": 0

Above payload has been received when the we updated the product’s weight from 1000g to 900g. But that info is not present.

Is there any other way to receive that information?

Your ngrok server is not running, please make sure it is running.

Received webhook event: {
  event: {
    trace_id: [ 'silverbolt.5fe4b364-2bd7-11ef-9934-a2fcde3a511e' ],
    name: 'product',
    type: 'update',
    version: '3',
    created_timestamp: 1718538949856,
    id: 'DUO+n8VQVIiql2D4oGGRoSBfShDxt6/PyoGexUv2NUE=',
    category: 'company',
    referer: 'uat.fyndx1.de'
  company_id: 20536,
  contains: [ 'product' ],
  payload: {
    product: {
      is_active: true,
      currency: 'INR',
      variant_media: {},
      departments: [Array],
      country_of_origin: 'India',
      company_id: 20536,
      multi_size: false,
      brand_uid: 99450,
      slug: 'rra-9788159',
      is_dependent: false,
      trader: [Array],
      variants: {},
      _custom_json: {},
      no_of_boxes: 1,
      net_quantity: [Object],
      teaser_tag: [Object],
      custom_order: [Object],
      attributes: {},
      item_code: 'GVDWHUQ567890',
      short_description: '',
      is_image_less_product: false,
      return_config: [Object],
      category_uid: 261936,
      size_guide: '',
      category_slug: 'lenny477275621152024177264',
      template_tag: 'rita489462091152024177325',
      tax_identifier: [Object],
      product_publish: [Object],
      item_type: 'digital',
      description: '',
      highlights: [],
      product_group_tag: [],
      name: 'rra',
      tags: [],
      uid: 9788159,
      media: [Array],
      is_set: false

It would come as above where you will get product update.

Also make sure you have enabled product updates in your webhook configuration.

yes, received the mentioned response but if you look closely the response doesn’t contains changes wrt to weight of the product. Does it mean we are not going to receive those?

Please make sure you have enabled the webhooks, webhooks should come whenever the product’s weight gets updated like below .

    "event": {
        "trace_id": [
        "name": "product",
        "type": "update",
        "version": "3",
        "created_timestamp": 1718558640036,
        "id": "vQ6d2ptwygiJa13lxQvgx8EyCMq/5Ebi8hGIwWUE4YI=",
        "category": "company",
        "referer": "fynd.com"
    "company_id": 61,
    "contains": [
    "payload": {
        "product": {
            "is_dependent": true,
            "tax_identifier": {
                "hsn_code_id": "65fd783dc528d7515782df49",
                "reporting_hsn": "95044000H2",
                "hsn_code": "95044000"
            "name": "Puma shoes v5",
            "variant_media": {},
            "currency": "INR",
            "item_code": "1714324629",
            "category_slug": "others-level-3",
            "attributes": {},
            "variants": {},
            "short_description": "",
            "tags": [],
            "description": "",
            "country_of_origin": "India",
            "brand_uid": 5989,
            "highlights": [],
            "is_active": true,
            "uid": 10333616,
            "product_publish": {
                "is_set": false,
                "product_online_date": "2024-06-16T17:23:59.196000+00:00"
            "multi_size": false,
            "slug": "puma-shoes--10333616",
            "teaser_tag": {
                "tag": "Fynd Assured"
            "no_of_boxes": 20,
            "custom_order": {
                "manufacturing_time": 0,
                "manufacturing_time_unit": "days",
                "is_custom_order": false
            "company_id": 61,
            "template_tag": "supplementary",
            "media": [
                    "url": "https://cdn.fynd.com/v2/falling-surf-7c8bb8/fyprod/wrkr/products/pictures/item/free/original/IK_MZgtTQ-Puma-shoes.png",
                    "type": "image"
            "item_type": "standard",
            "is_set": false,
            "_custom_json": {},
            "category_uid": 436,
            "net_quantity": {
                "unit": "kg",
                "value": 2500
            "trader": [
                    "name": "FUCHSIA VINE DESIGNS PRIVATE LIMITED",
                    "address": [
                    "type": "Manufacturer"
            "is_image_less_product": false,
            "product_group_tag": [],
            "departments": [
            "size_guide": "shoes",
            "return_config": {
                "returnable": false,
                "unit": "days",
                "time": 0

You will receive similar JSON payloads for any updates to the product, including changes to its weight.

The payload will not specifically indicate that the weight was updated, but you will receive the updated values for the product attributes
