Working with the Swift FDK Client in different contexts

How do you use Swift FDK Client in different contexts such as the PublicClient, ApplicationClient and PlatformClient?

The Swift FDK Client provides several clients for different use cases:

  • The PublicClient is used to fetch all webhook events. This can be done by calling the fetchAllWebhookEvents() method.
  • The ApplicationClient is used to get product details using a product slug. You’ll need to provide your application’s unique ID and Token.
  • The PlatformClient is utilized in fetching company details. It requires the company ID, API key, and API secret.

Each context requires you to create a Config object (PublicConfig, ApplicationConfig, or PlatformConfig), instantiate the Client with the Config, and then call the required method as per your needs.

Detailed information regarding the same can be checked on the official documentation.

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